Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I know, I promised to address A Christian Double Standard today, but that will have to wait till tomorrow. Exploration brings unexpected surprises, and that is why I try to do so much of it.

I was watching a lynda.com tutorial on designer and illustrator Stefan G. Bucher today. It's less of a tutorial than an exploration by the artist, of his influences and his art. At one point he talks about his decision to study at the Art Center of Design.

"I went to interview at two schools in Germany," he shares, "because I thought, well, I'm a German student, I live in Germany, I should go to college in Germany. And then I interviewed with them, and their like, 'Oh, yeah. This is great stuff. You're excepted. Sure, no problem.' And I thought, 'Okay. That was too easy.' Then I came here (Art Center of Design),and I thought, you know, I was kind of looking eye level, and then I was like... (Bucher look up toward the ceiling) 'Oh, I see.' and that's what I wanted. Like, I wanted (looks up again and smiles) that. I didn't want this (he looks straight ahead). I wanted THAT (once more to the sky)."

Bucher expresses a sense of wonder about life, and he has chosen projects that challenge him and make his life bigger. That's what I think faith should look like.

Christianity should not be a safe option. Faith is about moving into new territory. It's about enlarging life. If we see faith as building a fence around us to reign us in like cattle, then we have it all backwards. It is sin that blinds us to a larger world and robs us of the potential and beauty that life offers. "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (Gal 5:1) Jesus has brought us into a larger world to explore.

In order to enjoy it, though, we must explore it. The Holy Spirit is here as our guide, and his primary means of guidance is Scripture. Scripture should be seen as much more than moral council. It is God's way of removing our blinders and helping us to see the world as it really is. There are so many Christians around me today who live a small faith because they haven't taken the time to meet with the Holy Spirit through the study of Scripture. We can speculate on God all we want, but only Scripture will open our eyes to all that's offered.

Christianity is not safe because Jesus asks us to risk our lives. There are people in need all around us. People God loves. We are called to leave our safety zones and take a chance by serving and loving those around us. To quote Merlin in Mary Stewart's Merlin Trilogy, "I want to get in God's way, so he has to work through me." I want to know God intimately as he reaches through me to touch others.

We are to risk by telling others about Jesus so that they might have their lives enlarged, too. It is an amazing thing to be there when someone finally realizes that Jesus is real, when they realize that God loves them, when they experience new life. It's an experience not to be missed.

I follow Jesus because I'm not satisfied with life at eye level. Anyone can have that, and it gets stale after a while. I want... (okay, I'm looking up now) THAT.

(lynda.com is an amazing site that teaches you how to use the software you own, or will soon want to own, to do amazing a practical things. Go check it out. It's the most painless way to learn software I know of.)

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